On April 25, 2019, the Turkish Nuclear Regulatory Authority’s (“NRA”) Organisation Regulation (“Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette and became effective.
NRA was established by the Decree No. 702 on July 9, 2018 (“Decree No. 702”) and its duties and authorities were regulated by Article 790(3) of the Presidential Decree No. 4 dated July 15, 2018. On April 25, 2019, the Regulation was issued to determine the detailed organizational structure of the NRA, the working procedures and principles of its service units as well as the duties and powers of its organs.
The NRA is an independent regulatory authority with separate legal personality and administrative and financial independence. It is empowered to control the nuclear energy and ionizing radiation facilities, and as such, it replaces the role of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (“TAEK”). Pursuant to the Regulation, any facilities, equipment and materials which are related to nuclear energy and ionizing radiation are subject to the supervision and regulation of the NRA.
The NRA is authorized to issue various licenses and permits to companies operating nuclear energy and ionizing radiation facilities. Through such licenses and permits, the NRA is authorized to supervise and regulate the activities of not only such companies, but also their contractors, suppliers, sub-contractors and sub-suppliers.
The Presidency of NRA is composed of a president, two vice-presidents and service units. The president of the Board is also the president of the NRA. The President is in charge of the general management and representation of the NRA and the execution of the decisions taken by the Board.
Service units of NRA include:
- Nuclear Facilities Department,
- Implementation of Radiation Department,
- Security and Assurance Department,
- Protection from Radiation Department,
- Inspection Department,
- Foreign Affairs Department,
- Legal Services Department, and
- Strategy Development Department.
The establishment of NRA was a long-awaited development in the Turkish energy sector. Reference to the NRA was first made in the Nuclear Power Plants Law No. 5710 dated November 9, 2007, which provided that TAEK would act as the regulatory control authority until a separate nuclear regulatory authority (i.e. the NRA) is established. The issuance of the organisation regulation of the NRA is a positive step forward for the commencement of its operations.
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