May 2019



For further information please contact:

Dr. Çağdaş Evrim Ergün
Partner, Ankara

Ayça Özbek
Associate, Ankara

Ergün Avukatlık Bürosu İstanbul | Levent 199, D: 79/B, Levent
T +90 (212) 280 90 91

Ankara | Next Level, A Blok, D: 33, Çankaya
T +90 (312) 220 30 60



Wind YEKA 2 Tender

The Onshore Wind Power Renewable Energy Resource Area (YEKA) – II Tender has been conducted on May 30, 2019. The Tender has been carried out through Dutch auction where ceiling price was 5.50 US$ cent/kWh. The successful bidders are as follows:

Region Successful Bidder Capacity (mW) Price
(US$ cent/kWh)
Muğla Enercon Rüzgar Enerji Santrali Kurulum Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. 250 4,00
Aydın Enerjisa Üretim Santralleri A.Ş. 250 4,56
Çanakkale Enerjisa Üretim Santralleri A.Ş. 250 3,67
Balıkesir Enercon Rüzgar Enerji Santrali Kurulum Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. 250 3,53

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